LAGO 5.16 Release
Dear customers,
As 2021 is drawing to a close and the holidays are just around the corner, let’s take the positive things from this year and carry them forward into next year.
For example, we have all learned how important it is to stick together and lookout for each other, and we will continue on a positive path forward supporting all of your needs. We used the last three months to provide additional improvements to all LAGO apps, LAGO Admin, LAGO Pict and LAGO PIM, among others.
It is now possible to enable or disable elements without losing support for multiple selections and multi-variant productions. Also, document variants can now be easily updated via the document list, and calculators can now be triggered via import, which significantly speeds up these processes.
Please review our release notes for all other improvements and enhancements being delivered in version LAGO 5.16 as of today.
I wish you and your families a safe and happy holiday season, and we at Comosoft look forward to seeing you again in good health in 2022.
Best regards
Peter Jozefiak
Managing Director
- Core:
Cross project range settings (scoping) for elements and articles:
At the element and article level, it is possible to define new key fields to support the matching of elements and articles across projects. New entries in the Central Configuration allow the import of these fields for articles and elements via the standard import.With these settings, all fields and properties for articles and elements are handled via the new key. This affects all types of set ranges on fields and properties.For this purpose, the scoping options for article, price and element fields and properties have been extended. Identical ranges now exist everywhere: Variant, Global, Project, Variant types, Campaigns and Variant type/Campaign, if the above-mentioned central configuration entry is set. This makes it possible, among other things, to maintain data across projects even at element level. A prerequisite for this functionality is that your elements are created via import.Localization of property names:
XML localization is now available for article types in LAGO Admin. XML localizations allow the maintenance of additional designations, respectively translations per language, which are configurable on the article property assignment level. Generally, XML localizations are inherited in article type hierarchies, but the configuration of deviating values on lower levels of the hierarchies is made possible by this. For the configuration there is a new area “XML Localization” in LAGO Admin, where values for all configured languages could be entered.
In the XML export, the configured translations can be output, provided that the checkbox “Translations of property types” is activated in the category settings. In the XML file, the translations are listed in the element.
Channel assignment of properties at all levels of the article type hierarchy:
LAGO Admin allows mapping of property types to channels at the article type level. The assignment at upper levels of the hierarchy inherits to the lower levels but can be configured differently again at any lower level.
- LAGO Admin:
In Admin it is now possible to log the changes of user settings. If user data, user role assignments, assignments to workgroups and user to project type assignments, user variant types or cluster assignments are changed, these can be called up via the “Show History” button. A new window will appear with a corresponding display of the changes. Various options allow filtering by type and timeframe of the changes.Variant groups:It is now possible to set up several parallel variant group structures with validity dates that are used to display matching variant groups for articles, elements, and documents according to the validity date of a project.Channels:
In LAGO Admin, the new node “Channels” has been introduced under “Products and Projects”. Creation, editing and deletion of channels are possible. In addition, channel properties can be created, edited, deleted and sorted here.
LAGO PIM allows to activate and deactivate elements. New buttons are available in the toolbar for this purpose. Activation and deactivation support multi selection and multi variant selection. When activating, there is also the option of unplacing components. The buttons can be shown and hidden via the workspace configuration. Document variants:A new button to update document variants has been added to the toolbar of the document list in LAGO PIM.If one or multiple documents of a variant are selected, the button is active. When the button is pressed, a dialog with options is displayed, which allow to control the details of the action.
- LAGO Transfer:
Execution of calculator scripts:
If calculators are configured in the LAGO system, their execution can be triggered through an import. Previously, the calculators of all elements and articles were updated for alle articles and elements.The update procedure has been adapted so that it now only performs a re calculation for the elements and articles actually changed by the import. This significantly speeds up the processing of imports that use this function.
LAGO App & Plugin Collection
LAGO Installer 5.16.1-20211209
LAGO Web Collection