Professional Database Administration

We help you focus on business

Our database professionals are Oracle-certified, and well-versed in the requirements of Product Information Management. On a part-time basis, they can:

  • Periodically review and report on product data integrity
  • Import data from manufacturers and other sources
  • Create tables of product details to be used in LAGO for multichannel publishing

Once your product information and assets are organized into a coherent data infrastructure, someone must oversee the system – even if it’s a part-time position. Someone make sure existing data are maintained, and data from outside sources are properly input and managed. If your company does not have a qualified database administrator in house, we can help fill the gap, and let you focus on your core business.

You have other things to do. But your product data are critical to your success. If you need a hand keeping your data in order, we’ll be there for you – Let us be your database partners.


Interested in increasing your profits? See how we can help automate your marketing production and optimize it with artificial intelligence!