Kickstarting Your Digital Planning and Leaflet Production Process – Push Your Category Management Into the Future of Retail!

Webinar: Episode 1 – Kickstarting Your Digital Planning and Leaflet Production Process

Published On: March 1st, 2021|By |1.3 min read|

Push Your Category Management Into the Future of Retail!

Everything starts with the proper planning! Learn how LAGO Whiteboard enables category management to perform these tasks efficiently in one central application that is connected to your ERP system as well as the marketing department including the leaflet design and production in the downstream process.

Watch the first episode of our global webinar series showing a fully optimized circular production process with LAGO.

What you will learn:
Everything starts with the proper planning! A circular production process is no different. The category management plays the key role in assortment and product selection as well as assigning both to the individual pages of a leaflet. With growing numbers of products and increasing varieties as well as the market moving towards more regional or store specific leaflet variants, the need to perform this planning in a powerful digital environment becomes more important every day. Learn how LAGO Whiteboard enables category management to perform these tasks efficiently in one central application that is connected to your ERP system as well as the marketing department including the leaflet design and production in the downstream process.
  • Planning of leaflet in LAGO Whiteboard
  • Utilization of product data directly imported from ERP system
  • Planning of regional and/or store specific leaflet variants including switch-out products
  • Stickering: The easy way to see all product related data during the planning process, including historical sales data
  • Assignment of merchandise departments to page space allocations for a streamlined top-down planning process
  • Preview leaflet pages without handing them over to the design team

We are looking forward to seeing you there!

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