Finding Your Best DAM Self in 2023

Finding Your Best DAM Self in 2023

Published On: December 16th, 2022|By |7.1 min read|

Are you ready to make 2023 the best DAM year yet?

There are so many considerations that factor into selecting new software. After all, you’re making a considerable investment in your organization. Therefore, you want to weigh who will use it, their technology needs, and even what the ramp-up process will look like as you implement and learn your new solution.

If you’re on the hunt for the best DAM (that’s digital asset management to you) software solution, you may have already done quite a bit of research and asked a lot of questions. Indeed, the average sales cycle for Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solutions is between 3 and 6 months.

But you’re not just anybody. You’re a DAM professional, and you know many options on the market today. The secret to finding the right solution lies in knowing what you need, what your team requires, what your operations are, and how your new technology aligns with your current digital ecosystem. Here’s what you need to know.

  1. Get Organized

When starting your search, it’s time to get organized. To find the right fit, you need to understand your team’s needs fully now and in the future. Not just for one team or a few folks – but for your whole DAM team. This understanding allows multiple stakeholders to have a say in what features you’ll need and what system will work best for your organization. Don’t forget people like your system administrator, who will be integral in integrating your new DAM into your workflow.

Identify Use Cases

What outcomes are your team after, and how can these solutions help you achieve them? Consider about common DAM system use cases and note what’s most important to your operations. You’ll want to identify the team needs for your organization, as well as the features to address these needs. Use cases may include:

  • Filtering content into a single system
  • Eliminating redundancies and features you don’t need
  • Sharing and publishing brand content
  • Integrating your martech stack
  • Repurposing high-performing content
  • Tracking content efficacy
  • Unifying your content workflow
  • Bringing products to market faster
  • Launching into new eCommerce channels

Take Note of Your Must-Have Features & Functionalities

From these use cases, you can start to pinpoint the capabilities you just DAM well cannot live without. These may be very basic, like organizing your content, or more specifically, like integrating your company’s individual workflow. Popular DAM features include:

  • In-depth search functionalities
  • An open API framework to foster integration
  • Configurations for permission and access control
  • In-app conversion of images
  • Zero code needed for automation
  • Mapping of metadata
  • Analytics at the whole asset level
  • Support for multiple file formats

By comparing your use cases and the features you know you’ll need first, researching the DAM systems will be much clearer, and you’ll be able to select the best system for your team.

  1. Get Motivated and Get Your Assets in Gear

Now it’s time to start evaluating solutions to discover which is right for you. With so many DAM system options available, it can be overwhelming until you remember that you only need the features applicable to your operations.

Researching Solutions & Comparing Features

Once you know what your team needs, researching different systems with their varying DAM capabilities will be much straightforward. First, however, now is the time to get going—and see the features you’re looking for in action. After all, just because a vendor offers a particular feature, it doesn’t necessarily mean it will function the way you want or need it to.

Keep in mind every system can provide some value, but you’re looking to see that the system you choose is indeed the right fit for you and your team so you can do your best work. So, how do you go about this?

One way would be to include the use cases you send to vendors in your request for proposal so that you can evaluate each vendor, rating how well their features suit your unique use cases.

Another tip? Sort the capabilities you’re looking for by preference level so you can better discern which features you can’t live without and which ones you might be willing to let go of if you find the right DAM for your most preferred functionalities. Also, be sure to read reviews as you go through your research. Not only will this give you better insight into how each DAM system performs, but it may also give you some inspiration for how different organizations make the most of the system within their operations. You may find some great ideas!

Keep Your Eye On the DAM Prize

Choosing a new DAM system is not a decision you can make in one day or even a few weeks. But that’s by design. After all, you’re making a significant investment in your organization. So, you’ll want to take your time, research, and look deep into all the features and functionalities to find the solution.

  1. Make the Best DAM Choice You Can

Now comes the hard-but-exciting part: Making a choice.

As you evaluate your options, be sure to request demos so you can see how your new DAM will perform. For example? LAGO by Comosoft is one solution you’ll want to see in action to fully understand just what all it can do for you.

LAGO isn’t just a DAM. Instead, it’s a multichannel marketing platform that integrates DAM and product information management (PIM) functionalities, plus an entire host of features that can transform your marketing production capabilities to take your operations to a brand new level.

Additionally, LAGO offers:

  • Secure user access to digital assets from any web browser
  • Integrated image selection for better marketing communication
  • Collaborative workflow tools to stay connected
  • Automatic substitution of updated/replaced assets in any active media campaign
  • Tracking of digital and branded assets for effective brand marketing

Tips on Decision-Making

Making the right decision can feel challenging—especially when you want to come up with the best possible solution to serve your organization to the fullest. Some thoughts to help in the decision-making process?

  • Identify all the possible options and anticipate possible outcomes for each one
  • Consider the needs and wants of your entire team and how they will be impacted

Understand the long-term impact on projects, on each department, and your company

BONUS: Hot DAM! Three Tips for Personal Self-Improvement in 2023

If you’re searching for a new DAM solution, chances are you’re a pretty driven individual. You’re looking to make your organization a better place. And you’re all about improvement. So, while you’re bettering your organization in 2023, why not take steps towards a better you, too? Here are a few tips for a brighter future in the coming year:

  1. Leave your comfort zone behind. Anytime we try new things, it may be uncomfortable at first. But the only way we can grow is to expand our understanding. The familiar is comfortable, but that doesn’t always mean it’s good. Take small, meaningful steps, pace yourself, and try that new thing you’ve always wanted to try. Chances are, you’ll learn something about yourself along the way!
  2. Embrace the unexpected. For better or worse, we cannot anticipate what’s ahead. Even if we plan everything out well in advance, we’re only one part of a larger body: one piece playing on a chess board. Don’t be afraid of the unexpected, embrace change, and learn to pivot when things don’t go according to plan. You may love what you find along the way!
  3. Choose three words. Are you sick of getting a few weeks into a new year only to let go of a New Year’s Resolution? Instead of a resolution, pick three words to describe what you want to focus on in 2023. Do you want to focus on courage? Compassion? Flexibility? Curiosity? Decisiveness? Whatever you choose, to better remember your three words, pick words that all start with the same letter and let them guide you through the year.

Comosoft: Here for You All DAM Year Long

Here at Comosoft, we know choosing a new solution for your company is a big choice. That’s why we’re here to walk you through the process. LAGO is a multichannel marketing automation platform that’s changing the industry, and we’re eager to show you how.

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